2022 Important Numbers
Please click here to view key financial data for 2022. You can find tax bracket information, retirement contribution limits, and so much more.
Disclosures: This material is for informational purposes only. Information contained herein is subject to legislative changes and is not intended to be legal, investment, tax or other professional advice. Consult a qualified tax advisor regarding specific circumstances. This material is furnished “as is” without warranty of any kind. Its accuracy and completeness is not guaranteed and all warranties expressed or implied are hereby excluded. Accordingly, any information in this document cannot be used by any taxpayer for purposes of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code. Century Management ("CM") is an independently registered investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Century Management is also registered as a Portfolio Manager in the Province of Ontario. A full description of our Firm’s business practices, including our Firm’s investment management services, wealth plans and advisory fees, are supplied in our Form ADV Part 2A and/or Form CRS.