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The YOLO Economy: A New Era of Risk and Reward

Have you ever felt like life is too short to stay in an unfulfilling job? Welcome to the YOLO economy, where 'You Only Live Once' drives bold career moves and personal fulfillment over traditional paths. In our latest article, "The YOLO Economy: A New Era of Risk and Reward," we explore the rise of this daring mindset, its impact on our financial future, and how it compares to older generations' economic behaviors.

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Empowering Your High School Graduate: Essential Steps for Financial and Medical Preparedness

As your child leaves home for college, equipping them with more than just textbooks and dorm essentials is important. While they may be eager to embrace newfound independence, parents should ensure they have legal and financial safeguards in place. From ensuring power of attorney documents for health care and finances are in place to teaching budgeting skills and encouraging long-term financial planning, here's how to empower your college freshman for success.

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Maximizing Mid-Career Wealth: Balancing Debt Payoff, Retirement Savings, and Market Valuations

While it is a good conversation to have at any point in your career, from a mid-career perspective, typically defined as being in your 30s to 50s, the decision between paying down credit card debt and outstanding loans versus funding your 401(k) or other retirement plans becomes even more critical as you're likely to have more financial responsibilities and goals.

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Balancing Risk and Reward: Mastering Asset Allocation In A Shifting Market

In the ever-evolving world of investments, the ability to balance risk and reward through strategic asset allocation is crucial. For more than 30 years, I have seen firsthand how market fluctuations and global economic events can impact investment portfolios. Whether you are a novice or seasoned investor, it is important to understand how to effectively structure your investments to optimize returns while managing risk, especially in a shifting market.

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