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Securing Your Future: An Unexpected Exit Strategy for Business Owners

The surprising reality is that more than half of businesses are sold in an unexpected manner. This fact often catches owners unprepared, potentially leaving them in sub-optimal situations, both financially and emotionally. It's important to be ready for an exit, even if you're not planning one right now. Here, I'll be discussing the essential items to work on to help ensure you're prepared for an unexpected business sale.

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Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Retirement Plan?

Looking to save on taxes, maximize your retirement savings, create significant asset protection, and reward, recruit, and retain your employees, consider adding a cash balance plan to your existing 401(k) plan. Depending on your personal goals, there are many other retirement planning and benefit options that could also be of help. Choosing the right retirement planning option is one of the most important financial decisions a business owner will make for their business. Here are some key takeaways from our blog on how Century Management Financial Advisors can help.

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Managing Money During Periods of High Inflation

What should investors consider during periods of high inflation? The stock market, as measured by indices like the S&P 500 and FT Wilshire 5000, has been very resilient from the bottom of the Great Financial Crisis of 2008/2009. We believe the primary drivers of this performance have been low interest rates, low inflation, and cheap energy.

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